2010年11月22日 星期一

CBI CEO Visit 2010.11.5

Collective Brands Inc


Car2    Evergreen Logistics Lexus LX570 ] 

賴致晨 Jason Lai + Oliver
Matthew Evan Rubel (Matt) - Collective Brands CEO
Darrel James Pavelka (Darrel) - EVP Global Supply Chain

[ Car1    HF Grand Starex 2009 56P-9204 ]

陳文欽  + Vu Tri Thuc
Michael Jeppesen (Mike) - SVP Global Sourcing & Product Development
Kathleen Godsey Trainor (Kathleen) - VP Global Sourcing

[ Car3    MF Grand Starex 2010 disel 84LD-0031 ]

Bernard Rhodes (Bernie) - Sr. Manufacturing Director
Daniel Chen - Director Sourcing of VN, Thailand, Indonesia





到達Co Chien渡輪
離開Co Chien渡輪







到達Co Chien渡輪
離開Co Chien渡輪


Ham Luong旅館休息
離開Ham Luong旅館繼續行程




HF#1, HF#2, 主車(也換成小冰桶)                                                              

Perrier礦泉水                                                    2(2)
可樂                                                                  2(2)
白瓶可樂                                                          2(2)
Evian礦泉水                                                      4(6)

Ice Brick         6 (上下各3)

Meiji日本巧克力    (  1盒  )
Hershey's巧克力Bar   (  1盒  )
Jules Destrooper 比利時餅乾    (  1盒  )
Pepperidge Farm黑巧克力餅乾    (  1包 )
Wonder Care濕紙巾     (  1盒  )
Pulppy面紙     ( 1盒  )
吸管      (  1包  )
垃圾袋    (  2個  )
3G行動上網裝置     (  2個  )
充電器     (  1個  )

Western Buffet

  • Spring roll (2 varieties)
  • Grill salmon, chicken, pawn
  • Beef tenderloins (with bread and butter)
  • Caesar salad
  • Potato soup, French Onion soup
  • Mixed fruit
  • Black forest, cheese cake
  • American coffee
  • Napkin 50*50
  • Table cloth

Pha Co Chien                            
Anh Nghia 0985005451    
Anh 6     0913796856         

HAM LUONG                          
Anh Phong      0908120818

Ms. Oanh      3824-1234

Mekong Rest Stop                  
Ms. Huyen     01688552627

Ham Luong Hotel                        
Nguyen Thanh Phong            0908 120 818

Paris Deli         
Chef  Duy     0908 565 241
吳振堂夫人 Le My Linh   0907 570 223

My Phong                           Tin          0919106664
Hue Phong                         Thuc       0918732362
Evergreen Logistics          Tam       0903627806

PSSW   Joye  0938882838   

2010年9月18日 星期六

Weighting Heart

2010年9月16日 星期四


薰衣草   紫色小花 喜乾燥
天竺葵   豐滿成球 有獨特氣味 驅蚊蠅
七里香   花白繁密 紅色漿果 濃甜香味
夜來香   葉片呈心型 邊緣有絨毛 驅蚊佳品

2010年9月14日 星期二


The SuShi Bar
Welcome to The SuShi Bar
2 Le Thanh Ton St., Dist.1, HCMC
Lunch:11:30 ~ 14:00
Dinner:17:30 ~ 23:30
Delivery:11:30 ~ 14:00 or 17:30 ~ 22:00
Tel:+84 (8) 823-8042
Mobile:+84 (91) 850-0576 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +84 (91) 850-0576      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
How to find us
Zen Plaza 7th Floor
54-56 Nguyen Trai St., District 1, HCMC
Open Time:09:00 ~ 22:00
Delivery:09:00 ~ 22:00
Tel:+84 (8) 925-0377
Mobile:+84 (90) 858-2318 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +84 (90) 858-2318      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
How to find us

Home | Pictures Zen Plaza | Pictures Le Thanh Ton
NIGIRI SUSHI (1 order = 2 pieces)
The SuShi BarAn assortment of sushi (All sets have 16pcs)
A: 180,000 vnd
B: 140,000 vnd
C: 95,000 vnd
An assortment of sliced raw fish (For 3-4 persons)
A: 220,000 vnd
B: 185,000 vnd
The SuShi Bar
  MAKI SUSHI (1 order = 6 pieces)
The SuShi BarRaw fish on a bed of rice 65,000vndThe SuShi Bar
Deep-fried seafood and vegetables on a bed of rice 65,000vndThe SuShi BarSliced tuna on a bed of rice 65,000vnd
Raw salmon and salmon eggs on a bed of rice 40,000vndThe SuShi Bar
A kind of yam 10.000vnd
Squid legs 15.000vnd
Green asparagus12.000vnd
Squid and18.000vnd
perilla leaves18.000vnd
Roast beef15.000vnd
Marinated sardines in vinega15.000vnd
Tuna and spring onion rolls28.000vnd
Plum and perilla rolls 18.000vnd
Salmon rolls 30.000vnd
Cooked tuna and mayonnaise rolls 20.000vnd
Salmon skin rolls30.000vnd
Pickled vegetable rolls18.000vnd
Salmon and spring onion rolls 30.000vnd
Avocado rolls18.000vnd
Deep-fried prawn rolls40.000vnd

Sea bass

Plum and green vegetables16.000vnd
Ark shell (Small shell fish)22.000vnd
Mantis shrimp38.000vnd
Grilled eel45.000vnd
Cod egg with chili45.000vnd
Salmon eggs48.000vnd
Pickled eggplant11.000vnd

Tuna rolls

Tuna and pickled radish rolls35.000vnd
Fermented soybean rolls28.000vnd
Eel and cucumber roll45.000vnd
Pickled radish rolls25.000vnd
Squid and plum rolls28.000vnd
Gourd shaving rolls23.000vnd
Big rolls (Egg, Cucumber, Mushroom, Cooked fish)40.000vnd
California rolls40.000vnd

(Tuna, Salmon, White fish, Squid, Egg, Crab sausage, Fish egg, Cucumber, Lettuce)
65,000 vnd
The SuShi Bar
(Prawn, Cucumber, Avocado, Fish egg, White radish Sprouts)
48,000 vnd

(Pork cutlet, Plum, Perilla)
33,000 vnd

(Tuna, Fish egg, White radish sprouts, Chili sauce)
33,000 vnd
40,000 vnd

48,000 vnd

32,000 vnd

30,000 vnd

2010年9月13日 星期一

thienduongcafe.com - st

Hoàng Cung Quán
45 Trần Bình Trọng, Phường Phú Thọ, Thủ Dầu Một, Bình Dương.


Cafe Hoa Tigon
104/3 Dai Lo Binh Duong , Phuong Phu Hoa


39/3 Hùng Vương, Thị Xã Thủ Dầu Một, Tỉnh Bình Dương.

café Gio & Nuoc

A corner of café “Gio & Nuoc” (Wind and Water)

Regarding entertainment places, do not miss a chance to drop in café "Gio & Nuoc" (Wind & Water) at 6/28T, zone 3, Phu Tho, right at the centre ò Thu Dau Mot town. Tourists may find this café of much impression since it was all made of 7000 thick bamboo trees - a friendly material to the Vietnamese. There designed an artificial lake in the middle of this café. At first sight, this lake may give you feeling of a very deep lake because of effect of black rocks but actually it is only knee-deep. This design was awarded 2nd prize in the contest "Projects made of bamboo 2007" held in USA. 

Cafe Gió và Nước
Khoảng 1 năm trở lại đây, công trình cafe Gió và Nước (wNw) tại số 6/28T khu 3 Phú Thọ, Thủ Dầu Một, Bình Dương đã trở nên nổi tiếng khắp giới kiến trúc, bởi thiết kế độc đáo. Chủ nhân của công trình này là KTS Võ Trọng Nghĩa và các cộng sự.
Ý tưởng đặc biệt nhất của công trình là ứng dụng nguyên tắc khí động học. Công trình sử dụng năng lượng gió và khả năng làm mát của nước để tạo thành máy điều hòa tự nhiên, tiết kiệm được chi phí mua máy điều hòa, chi phí vận hành máy điều hòa và năng lượng điện sử dụng.
Toàn bộ nguyên liệu xây dựng quán là từ 7.000 cây tầm vông - vật liệu truyền thống, thân thiện với con người Việt Nam. Không sử dụng nhiều năng lượng khi xây dựng nhờ những vật liệu tự nhiên nên năng lượng được giảm tối đa. Cây tầm vông sinh trưởng nhanh, nhiều, 5 năm là thu hoạch do đó dẫn đến giá thành công trình rẻ (10.000 đồng/cây).
Cây tầm vông được xử lý theo phương pháp truyền thống, ngâm sình, hun khói, đảm bảo thẩm mỹ và không gây độc hại, chi phí thấp, độ bền cao... nên không gian được mở rộng. Cả kiến trúc đều không có cột bê tông, hay trụ chống mà chỉ đỡ nhau bằng những dây giằng vững chắc nhưng không kém phần mềm mại, nhờ những đường cong kỹ thuật. Mái hình chữ V được liên kết bởi hàng nghìn cây nên tạo được không gian thoáng và có khẩu độ lớn (lớn nhất là 12 m).
Giữa không gian sàn uống cà phê là một hồ nước nhân tạo. Thoạt nhìn đáy hồ sâu thăm thẳm, nhưng thực ra hồ chỉ cạn chưa đến gối, chính cách tận dụng màu sắc đá đen tạc dưới đáy hồ mang đến cảm giác rất sâu. Nơi khách ngồi uống cà phê thấp hơn mặt hồ. Theo lý giải của kiến trúc sư thì cách bố trí mặt bằng như vậy giúp khách tận hưởng được luồng gió nước mát đưa từ mặt hồ sang.
Thời gian từ khi thiết kế đến thi công mất 1 năm, với tổng chi phí là 1,5 tỷ đồng cho khuôn viên quán rộng 1.403 m2 (1.070.000 đồng/m2).


Hue Restaurant

Kim Long Restaurant
80/68 Tran Quang Dieu St., District 3, Ho Chi Minh city.
Tel: (08) 8436498 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (08) 8436498      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Famous for the special Bun bo O Rot. Many Hue foods are available: Rice in coconut,  cha tom, nem lui, banh beo, banh la. Especially, on weekend, special Hue traditional food Com Hen is also served. 

Mi Tau restaurant
6/33 Cach Mang Thang Tam St., District 1, Ho Chi Minhn city.
Tel: (08) 8272856 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (08) 8272856      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Mi Tau has been opened and has been working to reserve and bring Hue gastronamy cuture into play. As its name has suggested, Mi Tau restaurant is warmly, popularly, familiarly decorated and follows to suit style of Hue inhabitants.

Ganh Hang Rong restaurant
5 Dong Nai St., Ward 15, Dictrict 10, Ho Chi Minh city.
Tel: (08) 8594926 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (08) 8594926      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Although this shop does not have a very large space, it can still make a good impression on your first visiting. Outside hangs many small red lighting cages for an oustanding point, inside lies some shoulder basket, table sets made form simple material.

Bun Bo Hue Thanh Noi
47 Trần Cao Vân St., Ward 3, Ho Chi Minh city.
Tel: (08) 8299473 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (08) 8299473      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
This is one of famous Hue style beef noddle shops in Sai Gon, located in city center. It has opened for over 10 years, is known as where dishes with traditional Hue flavor are served, especially the dish called Hue style beef noddle.

Ruoc restaurant
38/6P Nguyen Van Troi, Ward 15, Phu Nhuan dictrict, Ho Chi Minh city.
Tel: (08) 8442122 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (08) 8442122      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Restaurant is situated in a quiet small shortcut with number 38/6P on Nguyen Van Troi street. As a matter of fact, there is a specific combination between Hue traditional dishes and the three regions’ ones in the way of food service of this place.

Com hen Nam Giao
662/19 Su Van Hanh St., Dictrict 10, Ho Chi Minh city.
Tel: (08) 8621203 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (08) 8621203      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Located in a peaceful shortcut, this is one of the best services of particular and popular Hue dishes. Coming to Nam Giao, you have a chance to mix yourself into family atmosphere in popular Hue style but no less than luxury.

Mon Hue Restaurant
Okay, I have a new favorite restaurant now.  I am a big fan of Hue food here in Vietnam so finding any new Hue restaurant is always a good feat.  My friend and I found Mon Hue Restaurant quite by accident today.  We were riding down Hai Ba Trung looking for small restaurant when a downpour hit suddenly.  We were passing Mon Hue just as it hit so naturally, instead of being wet (we had no rain ponchos) we stopped there for lunch.
Wow, what a good catch.  We ordered quite a bit of food and oddly enough, it was enough for me.  The serving proportions were actually good.  My bowl of Com Hen was enough for me with all the extras.  I think I was eating a little to fast since it was so good :-)
I finished the meal off with a Sinh To Dau (strawberry shake). Total bill, 148,000 VND for two people.  Not bad for Hue food.
Saigon Mon Hue Restaurant
Saigon Mon Hue Restaurant
Saigon Mon Hue Restaurant
Saigon Mon Hue Restaurant
Saigon Mon Hue Restaurant
Com Hen - Mon Hue Restaurant
Saigon Mon Hue Restaurant
Friendly Staff at Mon Hue Restaurant
Mon Hue Restaurant has 5 locations in Saigon:
  1. 12 3/2 St., Ward 12, District 10
  2. 10 An Duong Vuong St., Ward 9, District 5
  3. 302 Hai Ba Trung St., Ward Tan Dinh, District 1
  4. 98 Nguyen Trai Street, Ward Ben Thanh, District 1
  5. 7 Cao Thang Street, Ward 2, District 3

2010年9月10日 星期五

World HS Code Search

World HS Code Search  



  • HS編碼(HS code)國際商品統一分類代碼是Harmonized System Code的縮寫
  • 進出口貨品分類(HS Code):HS Code,中文名稱,英文名稱,單位
  • SITC:國際貿易貨品標準分類 Standard International Trade Classification
  • ISIC:國際工業產品分類 International Standard Industrial Classification
  • ISIC Code:產品碼,產品中文名稱,產品英文名稱 單位,定義,範圍
  • CCC code:中華民國商品標準分類號列…Standard Classification of the Republic Chin code
  • 是國際海關公認的進出口產品分類標準,成為中華民國商品分類號,也就是一般所謂的稅則編號CCC code貨品分類號列
  • 目前所使用的HS Code共有六碼,依據國際商品分類原則所編;加兩碼(共八碼)即成為海關課爭關稅的進口分類稅則;再加上兩碼(共十碼)

查詢方法:依產品分類(C.C.C. Code)或H.S code查詢
1~6 碼 7~8 9~10 11
HS碼 稅別號列 檢查碼
國際關稅課徵 貿易簽審(管理),進出口統計,海關課稅 貿易管理與統計,政府機關統計用 電腦檢核用

The HS (Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System) is an international system of names and numbers for classifying traded products created by the World Customs Organization and used in determining tariffs on items shipped internationally.

The HS is based on the fundamental principle that goods are classified by what they are and not according to their stage of fabrication, use, "made in" status or any other such criteria.
The HS nomenclature is logically structured by economic activity or component material. For example, animals and animal products are found in one section; machinery and mechanical appliances, which are grouped by function, are found in another.

The nomenclature is divided into 21 Sections, which, in general, group goods produced in the same sector of the economy.

Each Section is comprised of one or more Chapters with the entire nomenclature being comprised of 97 Chapters.

HS codes have been established along the following hierarchical logic;
• HS-2 refers to the Chapter
• HS-4 refers to the Heading
• HS-6 refers to the Subheading

For example, product code 060110 refers to Chapter 6 (Live trees and other plants: bulbs, roots, etc…), Heading 01 (Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots…dormant, in growth or in flower, etc….), and Subheading 10 (Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots…. Dormant).

Further subdivisions (HS-8, HS-10, and HS12) are made by individual countries and trading blocks according to their specific tariff and statistical needs. These "final" product codes are contained in the particular Harmonized Tariff Schedules of the world.

The tariff and tariff-related provisions (e.g.- numerical codes and article descriptions) are presented in tabular format containing several columns. In those columns are contained the headings, subheadings, statistical annotations, article descriptions and rates of duty.

All Avout VJEPA

TT 10-2009-BCT.rar  [MoIT, Ministry of Trade and Industry]


VJEPA Annex2

VJ CO Form

Vietnam Japan Economic Partnership Agreement



2009年10月1日起VJEPA正式生效。 2009年10月1日起VJEPA正式生效。 依此,日本对越南工业制品关税从2008年6.58%大幅调减至0.95%,2019年将续减至0.4%,其中纺织成衣的1,978税列从原来平均7%进口税率减至0%税率;鞋类亦从5%~10%减至0%税率;其它包括木制家具、化学品以及机械设备等亦享有同等税率。依此,日本對越南工業製品關稅從2008年6.58%大幅調減至0.95%,2019年將續減至0.4%,其中紡織成衣的1,978稅列從原來平均7%進口稅率減至0%稅率;鞋類亦從5%~10%減至0%稅率;其它包括木製家具、化學品以及機械設備等亦享有同等稅率。

VJEPA生效后,日本立即删除对越南农产品实施的2,020税列中的784列(约占越南输日本农产品税列的36%),未来3至5年获减税的产品共有14类,分别为味素、豆酱、姜、香蕉、榴莲以及红毛丹等,15年以后才调降越南咖啡、茶以及加工蔬果进口税至0%。 VJEPA生效後,日本立即刪除對越南農產品實施的2,020稅列中的784列(約佔越南輸日本農產品稅列的36%),未來3至5年獲減稅的產品共有14類,分別為味素、豆醬、姜、香蕉、榴蓮以及紅毛丹等,15年以後才調降越南咖啡、茶以及加工蔬果進口稅至0%。


Considering the volume of Vietnam’s trade with Japan (exports $1.75 billion and imports $1.33 billion*), it made sense for both countries to negotiate an Economic Partnership Agreement. VJEPA negotiations between Vietnam and Japan started on October 19, 2006 and were concluded after only nine rounds of talks in September, 2008 and the VJEPA was officially signed by both countries on December 25, 2008.

According to the agreement’s text, the VJEPA will enter into force on the first day of the second month following the month in which the governments of Vietnam and Japan have exchanged diplomatic notes informing each other that their respective legal procedures necessary for entry into force of the VJEPA have been completed. Initially both countries agreed to finalise their domestic legal procedures in May, 2009. 

However, this timeline was not met and Vietnam and Japan have now agreed to complete all of their domestic legal procedures in August, 2009. Japan and Vietnam’s ministries of Foreign Affairs will exchange their diplomatic notes during August, 2009 in order for the Agreement to enter into force on October 1, 2009.

From Vietnam’s side, before announcing that all its domestic legal procedures have been completed, certain legal documents had to be finalised and issued by the ministries of Trade and Industry (MoIT) and Finance (MoF). Circular No 10/2009/TT-BCT on the implementation of the VJEPA rules of origin was already issued by the MoIT dated May 18, 2009. However, the circular on the implementation of the special treatment on import tariff of trade in goods under the VJEPA is still being finalised by the MoF and is expected to be issued soon, at least before the end of August, 2009.

Once the VJEPA comes into force approximately 92 per cent of goods trade between Vietnam and Japan will be exempted from import duties within a period of 10 years. Vietnam-originating products such as agricultural and aquatic products as well as garments will be exempted under the VJEPA when imported into Japan, whereas Japan-originating industrial products such as automotive spare parts and certain electronics can be imported into Vietnam exempted from import duties or with reduced import duty rates.

Can my products benefit?
First and foremost, it is important to identify whether your products can actually benefit from the VJEPA, ie: whether there are any duty rate reductions provided under the VJEPA for your products. Annex 1 to the VJEPA outlines the preferential tariff reductions schedules of Japan and Vietnam. In order to determine what the potential benefits are for your company, you need to ascertain the customs classification of your products and the current import duty rate you are currently paying in the destination market (Japan or Vietnam). Once you have determined this, you can basically determine the margin of preference, which is the difference between the standard Most Favoured Nation tariff rate and the lower preferential VJEPA tariff rate and subsequently determine the potential customs duty savings that can be achieved from the VJEPA.

It is important to emphasise that where there are no duty reduction benefits for your company under the VJEPA, it should be considered from a duty savings perspective whether the benefits of using the VJEPA outweigh the costs.

Similar to the AANZFTA and other FTAs that Vietnam has concluded, although the VJEPA can be a source of significant customs duty savings, these savings are not granted automatically. In order to benefit, a trade flow must originate from Vietnam or Japan and adhere to the various qualifying and compliance rules of origin as specified in the Agreement. 

Under the VJEPA, goods are considered as originating in Vietnam or Japan where goods are wholly obtained or produced in Vietnam or Japan. Examples of goods that are wholly obtained or produced are plants, plant products grown and harvested, picked, or gathered in Vietnam or Japan, live animals and goods obtained from animals, minerals and other naturally occurring substances and sea-fishing and other marine products.
Where goods are not wholly obtained or produced, basically for manufactured products, they are considered to be originating if the meet the following main categories of rules of origin under the VJEPA.

Product specific rules
The product specific rules under the VJEPA, listed in Annex 2 to the VJEPA, may vary from a change in tariff classification at a chapter level (two digits), a tariff heading level (four digits), a subheading level (six digits) to a local value content to a combination of these rules. Also, specific manufacturing or processing operations (eg: for certain textile and textile fabrics) or the “wholly obtained-criteria” maybe applicable to certain products.
Which specific rule ultimately applies depends on the customs classification of the product. Where product specific rules do not apply (ie: the product is not listed in Annex 2 to the VJEPA), the product may qualify under the below mentioned local value content or change in tariff classification rule.

Local Value Content (LVC)
Under this rule, the total value must be at least 40 per cent of the Free on Board (FOB) value of the finished product and the final production process must have taken place in Vietnam or Japan. The LVC is basically calculated by deducting the value of the non-originating materials (VNM) from the FOB value. A change in the tariff heading, at a four digit level, taking place in Vietnam or Japan between the end product and all non-originating materials that are used in the production, subject to certain conditions and relaxations.

So, what is next?
After you have determined that there are potential duty savings and your product can be considered as originating in Vietnam or Japan-based on the above described rules, the next step is to apply for a certificate of origin in order to demonstrate to the customs authorities in either Vietnam or Japan that your product is originating. The relevant certificate of origin under the VJEPA is called the “Form VJ”. An example of this Form VJ is attached to Circular No 10/2009/TT-BCT.

The authorised agencies in Vietnam where companies can apply for a Form VJ are basically all the “Import-Export Offices” in the 16 main regions (including Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Danang, Dong Nai, Haiphong, Binh Duong and Vung Tau). The list of all offices authorised to issue the Form VJ is attached to Circular No 10/2009/TT-BCT.
What supporting documents need to be submitted when applying for the Form VJ, depends on the applicable qualifying rule of origin as this depends on a product by product basis (eg: a production cost statement where the Local Value Content of 40 per cent applies, or the classification rationale of raw materials and finished products in case the Change in Tariff Classification rule applies). 

Compliance with the applicable rules of origin of the Agreement (even after the Form VJ has been issued) is key for companies to have a supportable claim for the lower import duties which are provided for under the VJEPA. Therefore, a review of the relevant costs, manufacturing process and/or or tariff classification of a company’s products should be part of the opportunity assessment before making a claim under the VJEPA (e.g. a later change in the tariff classification of the finished product may revoke the duty benefits where the Change in Tariff Classification rule was applied and the Form VJ had been issued on this basis).

In addition to FTAs that are currently in force in Vietnam and the recently concluded AANZFTA where savings opportunities could be available to Vietnamese manufacturers that export their products to Australia and New Zealand, Vietnam is on the verge of implementing its first major bilateral Economic Partnership Agreement with Japan. This VJEPA is expected to provide companies in Japan and Vietnam with substantial savings opportunities when exporting their products to both countries. 

As such, companies in Vietnam that export products to Japan should prepare themselves and assess whether leveraging on the VJEPA could benefit them and whether their products would meet the relevant rule of origin. Preferably, companies should perform this assessment before the scheduled implementation date of October 1, 2009 so that once the VJEPA enters into force, they can already start using the benefits that are provided by the Agreement.

Finally, it is important to note that Vietnam, as part of ASEAN, also has a multilateral Economic Partnership Agreement with Japan, the ASEAN-Japan Economic Partnership (ASEAN-Japan EPA). Depending on your products and/or existing supply chain or business model, it might as well be possible that the VJEPA is not more beneficial to use than the ASEAN-Japan EPA (eg: different rule of origin may apply or lower import duty reductions for your product). 

2010年9月8日 星期三

2010年8月25日 星期三





目前華豐幹部餐廳使用韓製SJM門式洗碗機,並使用加拿大Applause Chemical/Pro-Well的Pro Dynaic軟水劑及Pro No-Spot快乾洗滌劑兩種藥劑。

一般洗碗機的洗滌劑都是鹼性洗劑不起泡或低泡沫,而Pro Dynaic,是一種抗硬水的液態洗劑,它成分中含有EDTA(乙二胺四乙酸),是一種有機化合物。它是一個六齒配體,可以螯著多種金屬離子。EDTA係 微致癌物,由於其螯合性 (Chelate) ,會導致河川、湖泊底泥中重金屬再溶出而提高重金屬濃度,且對廢水廠之去除率有不利影響,德 國、新加坡、瑞典等國家之環保標誌均禁用。所以建議若要使用洗碗機,直接接上軟水,這樣就可以用不含EDTA的洗滌劑,畢竟那是要承接食物的餐盤碗筷,這 樣對健康及環境都好。

SHIN-JIN MASTER (sjm.co.kr) 門式洗碗機


  1. 南方飛行服務公司為越南飛行服務公司(股票上市公司,代號SFC)位於越南南方之分公司,主要股東為越南軍方,是越南境內唯一一家提供直昇機商業服務之公司,網址為http://www.southernsfc.com.vn
  2. 國防部申請於美豐廠區或茶榮地區建置起降場與取得起降許可須時約20天,費用1000美元,我方須出具公文載明:1)租用目的 2)預定日期 3)乘客數 4)其它服務需求(如空照等)對方收到我方公文後,派員作現地勘察。 
  3. 建議租用之機型為歐洲直升機公司(Eurocopter) EC225 新一代超級美洲豹長程旅客運輸直昇機雙引擎,可攜帶 24名乘客以及2機組人員和機艙服務員。巡航速度每小時261公里 用於 VIP運輸的版本有一個大貴賓休息室,可容納8名乘客和機艙服務員。 該機型於20047月取得歐洲航空安全局安全認證 。日本用於皇家飛行服務,來搭載日本天皇、首相和官方客人。 越南於2009年年底購買這架EC225超級美洲豹直昇機。 
  4. 歐洲直升機公司集團乃於 1992年由馬特拉(法國)和戴姆勒克萊斯勒宇航公司(德國)合併而來,為目前世界上三大航空集團之一。 
  5. EC225超級美洲豹直昇機租金每小時7700美元,自離開頭頓基地起算,從頭頓至胡志明市飛行時間為30分鐘,從胡志明市新山機場至茶榮之飛行時間1小時20分鐘。等待時間頭一小時免費,之後每小時650美元,過夜則加收500美元。 
  6. 俄製MI-172租金每小時3000美元,但不建議租用EC155B超級美洲豹機型較EC225稍舊(200211),載重約為EC225的一半,租金每小時5750美元,但極難安排。 
  7. 機場VIP通關服務,在停機坪直接接至貴賓室,由海關及出入境官員前往貴賓室完成通關手續。 
EC225超級美洲豹直昇機   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurocopter_EC225  
EC155B超級美洲豹直昇機   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurocopter_EC_155 
歐洲直升機公司集團   http://www.eurocopter.com/site/en/ref/Shareholders_23-2.html